
Other Advertising Opportunities

Printed Newsletter & Website Ads

The Voice“The Voice” Printed Newsletter is published six times per year.

(except 2020 on – just 3-4 times).

Newsletter publication date is every other month*
   *Issue dates are: Jan-Feb, Mar-Apr, May-Jun, Jul-Aug, Sep-Oct, Nov-Dec.

  • Newsletter dimensions: 8.5″ x 11″
    8 pages – (two 11″ x 17″ sheets folded in half, stapled)
  • Total number of copies printed and distributed is = 250
  • Due date for ad or flyer material is the first week of the issue month

Member rates (Non-members: $50 added to each category).

Download the Advertising Opportunities Rate Sheet


Can be pulled out and saved.
Advertising rate for Pre-Printed flyer insert = $100
Need 250 copies (all sizes)

  • Full-page 8.5″ x 11″ (regular weight paper)
  • or half-page 8.5″ x 5.5″ (regular weight paper)
  • or postcard

Pay for a Pre-Printed Flyer Insert


Send ad art as a high-resolution pdf file (preferably)
Advertising rates for print ads:

  • Business Card-size ad (3.5″ x 2″) = $45
  • 2x-deep Bus. Card-size ad (3.5″ x 4″) = $90
  • Whole vertical column ad (3.5″ x 10″) = $150
  • Half-page horizontal ad (7.5″ x 4.5″) = $150
  • Full-page ad (7.5″ x 10″) = $200

Pay for a Print Ad in Body of Newsletter


Website Ads
 (Non-members: $50 added to each category)

Ad appears on all pages of our website – with a link directly to your website.

   Send ad as a 330 x 327 pixel jpeg file / or we can create ad.

Advertising rates for Website ads – Price depends on length of time selected:

  • for 1 month = $100
  • for 3 months = $250
  • for 6 months = $500
  • for 9 months = $750
  • for 1 year = $1,000

For more information email Vicky Surles or call 301-949-0080.

Pay for a Website Ad

Pay for Website Ad (service charges apply)>

****Other Ads or Payments****

Ad + online fee

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